Season's Greetings

In spite of my absences from this blog, my friends here are never far from my thoughts... So whether you've given up on reading me (because my updates have been so damned infrequent) or you still linger to hear whatever I might say when I happen to wander by... You're all in my thoughts this holiday...

I wish you Happiness, the freedom to pursue it and the success of achieving it... I wish you Joy, the simple pleasures and the complex ecstacy... I wish you Peace, in your lives and in the world around you... I wish you Fulfillment, of your dreams and in your soul... But most of all, I wish you Love - love of family, love of friends, love with your lovers, and the love of strangers, too... Of all the gifts I could offer, these wishes for you are the best I know...

May you never know sadness, and if you must, may it quickly pass... May you always have Magic, because life is nothing without enchantment... and may you and yours have a *very* happy holiday season...

My love to you all...
Angelia Rian
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